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Medicine Ball
Medicine ball. Our range includes medicinal balls of different weights from 1 kg up to 10 kg . These medicinal balls are made of artificial leather. Medicine ball are used in general trainng but are used in sample preparation for admission to various institutions of higher learning, the most widely used medicinal balls are balls, medicine balls,...
Medicine ball. Our range includes medicinal balls of different weights from 1 kg up to 10 kg . These medicinal balls are made of artificial leather. Medicine ball are used in general trainng but are used in sample preparation for admission to various institutions of higher learning, the most widely used medicinal balls are balls, medicine balls, medicine 2 kg and 4 kg. Medicine ball training devices are extremely simple and accessible, while being extremely useful in martial arts training.

Medicine Ball There is 1 product.

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  • Minge medicinala. Este unul dintre cele mai vechi dispozitive de antrenament. Primele mingi de antrenament au aparut cu mai bine de 300 de ani in Persia. Hipocrate chiar a realizat o minge cu nisip pentru recuperarea bolnavilor.

    70,00 lei
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    Product available with different options 70,00 lei
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